The How-To on Houseplant Identification,
Care Info, And Advice

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Houseplant 411 helps you choose the best houseplants for all your locations at home, business, or office.
Calathea Ornata
How to grow and care for a Calathea ornata. Learn lighting needs and how to water, fertilizer, propagate, and prune
Hawaiian Schefflera Plant
Learn how to grow, water, feed, propagate and identify Hawaiian Schefflera plants, also called Arboricola. See a plant a picture
Hoya Shooting Star Plant
Learn to identify and care for Hoya Shooting Star Plant at HousePlant411.com. Picture, plant care tips on watering, light,
Dracaena Lemon Lime
How to grow and care for a Dracaena Lemon LIme. Learn lighting needs and how to water, fertilizer, propagate, and
Philodendron Selloum
How to identify, grow and care for a Philodendron Selloum, also called a Tree Philodendron. Learn lighting needs and how
Episcia Plant
How to grow and care for an Episcia plant, also called a Flame Violet plant. Learn lighting needs and how
Dracaena Compacta
How to grow and care for a Dracaena compacta plant. Learn lighting needs and how to water, fertilizer, propagate, and
Swedish Ivy Plant
How to grow and care for a Swedish Ivy plant( Plectranthus); also called a Creeping Charlie plant. Learn lighting needs
Kangaroo Paw Fern
How to grow and care for a Kangaroo Paw fern, Microsorum diversifolium. Learn lighting needs and how to water, fertilizer,
Angel Wing Begonia
How to grow and care for an Angel Wing Begonia, a flowering plant with large “wing” shaped leaves. Learn light,
Begonia Rex Plant
How to grow and care for a Begonia Rex with it multicolored patterned leaves, also called a Painted leaf Begonia.
Pygmy Date Palm
How to grow and care for a Pygmy Date Palm, also called a Phoenix roebellenii. Learn lighting needs and how
Selaginella Plant
How to grow and care for a Selaginella plant, also called a Spike Moss plant. Learn lighting needs and how
Philodendron Imperial Red
How to grow and how to care for a Philodendron Imperial red. Learn how much light, water, and fertilizer a
Bleeding Heart Vine
Learn how to grow, care for, and identify a Bleeding Heart plant at HousePlant411.com. A Bleeding Heart plant is