How to Identify and Treat Powdery Mildew on Plants

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Hello, My peace lily has developed powdery spots on the leaves, Some quick Google searches have led me to believe it may be fungal. If so, is there a safe fix for this, Thanks!!


Hi Peter

It looks like your peace lily plant has powdery mildew, a plant disease that can be caused by several different types of fungus. Powdery mildew appears on the surface of leaves and other parts of a plant as a grayish-white powder. Indoor houseplants that are often affected by powdery mildew are  Grape iviesbegonias, peace lilies, and African violets. If you have an outdoor garden, vegetables like squash, melons, peppers, pumpkins, and cucumbers can be affected by powdery mildew as well as flowering plants like rose bushes. The danger to the plant is that powdery mildew causes the tissue in the leaves that is under the fungal infection to die. Powdery mildew causes leaf-drop, hinders the healthy growth of the plant, and ruins the appearance of the plant.

Powdery mildew on begonia leaf

How to treat a plant with Powdery Mildew: Examine your plants for plant pests and diseases every time you water. If you notice the signs of powdery mildew, immediately remove all dead or dying leaves and those that have dropped to the soil. Move your plant to a less humid area with better air circulation and keep the leaves dry; do not mist the leaves. When you water, place the plant in a deep saucer of water for ten minutes so it can absorb the water through the drip holes in the bottom the pot. This prevents any water from getting on the leaves. As with the other fungal plant diseases, you can use a commercial fungicide to treat the plant. You can also use an inexpensive, easy to make, homemade, non-toxic solution by putting  a few tablespoons of baking soda, and one or two teaspoons of mineral oil into a spray bottle of water. Shake well and spray all parts of the plant. Keep the infected peace lily plant away from your other plants until you are sure that the plant has recovered. You don’t want the infection to spread to your other plants.