A study sponsored by NASA concluded that houseplants are able to clean the air of harmful chemical toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. We have known for quite a while that plants remove carbon dioxide from the air and add oxygen, now we know that plants also remove air born pollutants that come from carpets, paint, copy machines, manufactured wood products, pesticides, upholstery, laminated counters, plastic wallpaper, detergents and even paper towels. Biologic air-born contaminants such as pollen, mold, bacteria, and viruses grow in humidifiers, air conditioners, ducts, carpets, ceilings, & tiles. New energy efficient buildings, which are better insulated than older buildings and furnished with more synthetic products, have greater air quality problems than older drafty buildings. The new & better construction helps conserve heating and air conditioning, but also traps toxic gases & prevents them from escaping. This problem has been given the name “sick building syndrome.” People working or living in areas where the air is stale and the circulation poor, may experience headaches, nausea, fatigue, sore throat, and eye irritation. NASA recommends using one plant per 100 sq. ft to clean the air. The best clean air plants are: Bamboo Palm, Peace Lily, Ivy, Pothos, Dracaenas, Spider, Chinese Evergreen, Snake Plant, Mum, Gerber Daisy.