The Hawaiian Ti plant can be a beautiful addition to your home and is easy to grow. However, this tropical plant is prone to pests and diseases. To keep your Hawaiian ti healthy and thriving, you’ll want to identify any problems that arise early on so they don’t get out of hand. Luckily, there are many ways you can treat common Hawaiian Ti plant pests and diseases at home with simple remedies that don’t require chemical treatments or expensive trips to the garden center.
Identify the Problem
The first step to eliminating Hawaiian ti plant pests and diseases is to identify the problem. You must know what part of your plant is affected and how it looks to narrow down the possible causes of disease or infestation.
The next thing to do is to identify what caused the problem in the first place. If there are no signs of damage or disease on your plant, then it’s probably just stressed from lack of water or nutrients–in which case, adding more fertilizer should solve the issue!
Prune Affected Areas
Pruning is a good way to prevent the spread of disease and help you get rid of Hawaiian Ti plant pests.
- Remove any dead or dying branches by cutting them off at their base.
- Cut out any infected areas of the plant, such as leaves eaten by insects or fungi, and discard them in a trash bin outdoors so they don’t spread more infection through your garden.
Use Neem Oil
Neem oil is a natural insecticide treating scale, mealybugs, and whiteflies. It’s also effective against spider mites.
The best way to use neem oil is as a preventive measure: Mix one part neem oil with three parts water in a spray bottle and spray your plants every two weeks during the growing season (or more often if there are signs of pests). If you notice any pests on your Hawaiian ti plant at any time during the year–even if it’s wintertime–spray them directly with this mixture until they disappear!
Apply Insecticidal Soap
Insecticidal soap is a great option for organic gardeners who want to control pests without harsh chemicals. The soap kills insects by dissolving their waxy outer layer, which causes them to dry out and die. It’s safe for humans, animals, and plants as directed on the label (do not use in or near waterways).
You can apply insecticidal soap once every two weeks during the growing season; follow the application instructions on the package label carefully so you don’t over-apply this product. Select one labeled specifically for controlling Hawaiian ti plant pests such as aphids or mealybugs. Avoid using any insecticide that contains pyrethrins because it could harm beneficial insects such as ladybugs by killing off other insects before they mature enough to eat the bad guys!
Use a Systemic Insecticide
Systemic insecticides are absorbed and circulated through the plant, killing insects on contact or after ingesting it. These pesticides break down slowly in soil and must be applied carefully to avoid affecting non-target plants. The most common systemic insecticides are imidacloprid (Bayer Advanced Garden Tree & Shrub) and acephate (Orthene).
When using a systemic pesticide, following all instructions carefully is important. Apply the product at the right time of year with adequate coverage throughout your Hawaiian ti plant’s canopy and around its roots for maximum effectiveness against pests and diseases!
Remove Affected Plants
If you have a minor infestation, remove the affected leaves. This should be done before they fall off and can spread disease to other plants. If the infestation is severe and you want to try removing your Hawaiian ti plant from your yard, it’s best not to compost or throw away the plant itself. Instead, burn it in a safe location away from other vegetation so that no other plants or animals are harmed by the smoke or embers of burning Hawaiian ti plants. If there is any doubt about whether or not something should be disposed of as garbage versus composted (or burned), contact a professional pest control service for advice on how best to get rid of pests on your property.
Improve Drainage
Improving drainage is an important step in getting rid of Hawaiian ti plant pests and diseases. The key to improving drainage is to add organic matter that will help break down into the soil over time, creating a rich environment for your plants to thrive in.
- Adding compost or other organic materials to the soil will increase its ability to absorb water effectively. This means you won’t have standing water around your plants’ roots, which can cause root rot and other problems (like attracting insects).
- You can also improve drainage by ensuring that there are no holes or cracks in any containers used for growing Hawaiian ti plants–these allow too much moisture into the container, leading again back towards problems such as root rot and disease outbreaks from insects attracted by this excess moisture supply!
Increase Air Circulation
One of the best ways to eliminate Hawaiian ti plant pests and diseases is by increasing air circulation in your home. This can be done by opening windows and doors, using fans, or using a dehumidifier or humidifier.
Keep the Plant Clean
Keeping your Hawaiian ti plant clean will help prevent pests and diseases from spreading to other plants in your home. To do this, wash your hands before handling the plant and remove any debris on its surface by gently brushing or shaking off dead leaves, stems, and insects that may be present. If any insects are present in the soil of a potted Hawaiian ti plant, use a soft brush to remove them from the potting medium (soil). You can also wash off any dirt with mild soap and water solution before watering again so that no new debris gets into the soil’s pores, where it could grow mold spores or fungus spores into colonies which may cause trouble later on down the line when you start noticing signs of disease/pest problems starting up again
Use Fungicides
A fungicide is a chemical that can be applied to plants to help prevent or control diseases and pests. Many fungicides are available at garden centers, but not all are labeled for Hawaiian ti plants. If you use a fungicide, ensure it’s labeled for use on this plant species.
Some people find that spraying their plants with water helps prevent disease; others prefer applying insecticidal soap instead of chemicals in their yard or garden space. If you want something more specific than just a general-purpose pesticide like Roundup (glyphosate), try one of these suggestions:
Quarantine New Plants
If you’re buying a Hawaiian ti plant from a nursery, or even if it’s been given to you by someone else, quarantine it before introducing it into your garden. This is especially important if you’ve had problems with pests and diseases. The quarantine period will help ensure that any potential threats are not brought into your yard through this new purchase. During this time frame:
- Keep the plant away from other plants (especially those in bloom) until its health has been confirmed as being free of pests and diseases.
- Do not water with non-sterile water sources such as ponds or lakes; instead, use filtered water from a well or municipal supply system if possible because there may be organisms present which could cause damage later on down the road once they’ve infected “healthy” looking leaves!

These are just some ways to keep your Hawaiian ti plant healthy and free from pests. If you’re worried about any signs of disease or pests on your plant, it’s important to act quickly so they don’t spread throughout the whole garden.