A Zebra plant (Aphelandra squarrosa) has spectacular foliage and exotic looking flowers. The nickname Zebra plant comes from its large, dark green, shiny leaves that have a bold white midrib and white veins. The stems of the leaves have a purple tinge. The bright yellow flowers on a Zebra plant, which require very bright light to bloom, emerge from bracts at the end of a long stem. A Zebra plant, native to the Brazilian forests, is primarily a table plant that stands about a foot tall. These plants do require a little extra care; but this beautiful, out of the ordinary houseplant, is well worth it.
Plant Care
Zebra plants require very bright indirect light but no direct sun, especially if you want them to bloom.
Keep the soil moist but not soggy, and never allow the soil to totally dry out. Bottom leaves drop off a Zebra plant when it is over or under -watered.
Feed a Zebra plant weekly in the spring and summer with a basic houseplant food diluted to 1/2 the recommended strength.
Zebra plants prefer temperatures between 65°-75°F (18.3°-23.9°C). Prolonged exposure to temperatures below 60°F (15.6°C) causes leaves to fall off.
Zebra plants, native to the jungles of Brazil, like very high humidity. If necessary, place your Zebra plant on a tray of wet pebbles to help increase the moisture in the air around it. Be sure the plant is sitting on the pebbles and not in the water.
A Zebra plant produces flowers from a four sided yellow spike made up of overlapping bracts. The yellow flowers only last a few days, but the attractive bracts of a Zebra plant last for a month or two. Once the bright yellow bract fades, remove the entire flower spike.
Though somewhat pest resistant, whitefly, mealy bugs, aphids, scale, and spider mites can all be a problem. These houseplants pests can all be treated with the Green Solution, but avoid spraying the flowers.
The high humidity a Zebra plant prefers encourages fungal leaf spot disease. You can prevent this problem by keeping the leaves dry and providing good air circulation.
Zebra plants grow well in a fast- draining, highly organic potting soil such as an African Violet mix.
Pot Size
Zebra plants are usually found in 6″ pots.
Zebra Plants enjoy being trimmed, but wait until the plant has stopped blooming.
Propagate a zebra plant using stem tip cuttings
Resting Period
When the flower, really the bright yellow bract, on your Zebra plant fades completely, remove the entire spike it was growing on. Allow your plant to rest for a month or so by moving it to a cooler location and giving it less water; then move your plant back to its bright, warmer location.
Poisonous Plant Info
Zebra plants are non-poisonous.
A Zebra plant produces flowers from a four sided yellow spike made up of overlapping bracts. The yellow flowers only last a few days, but the attractive bracts of a Zebra plant last for a month or two. Once the bright yellow bract fades, remove the entire flower spike.
The brown spots of the leaves of zebra plants are usually caused by Leaf Spot Disease. Keep the leaves dry, do not mist the plant, provide good air circulation, and allow the leaves to dry out more. You can use a commercial Fungicide or treat the problem with the homemade remedy of putting a tablespoon or two of baking soda and a teaspoon or two of mineral oil in a spray bottle of water. Shake the solution well and then spray all areas of the plant that are infected. Keep infected plants away from your other houseplants.
Zebra plants are called “photo accumulators.” In order for a Zebra plant to get flowers they have to have the right number of long days in bright light. Move your Zebra plant to a brighter location and hopefully it will bloom in the fall.