It’s time to take your green thumb to the next level!
The imperial red philodendron is a very special plant that has made a name for itself as a houseplant but can also be grown outdoors. You can dry the leaves and use them in potpourri, or you can use them to make tea. The plant has been used in traditional medicine and is known to be anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal.
In this article, we will discuss a few steps of growing imperial red philodendron indoors:
Step 1 – Plant in A Pot with Holes in The Bottom.
The Imperial Red Philodendron is a tropical plant that needs high humidity and warmth to grow properly. The best place for this plant is on an enclosed porch or outdoors during summer, but it can also be grown indoors if you provide proper conditions. A terrarium with a screen top will create ideal conditions for this plant and other tropical plants such as bromeliads, ferns, and begonias.
If you are growing your imperial red philodendron indoors, choose one with a well-drained potting mix with holes in the bottom. This allows excess water to drain out when it rains or when you water your plant so that there’s no standing water sitting on top of the roots, which can cause them to rot or become infected by fungus disease organisms like root rot fungus (Phytophthora algae).
Step 2 – Water When the Soil Feels Dry.
When you’re growing your plant, keep in mind that it needs to be watered regularly. The soil should feel dry about an inch down; you should water when this happens. Don’t let the plant sit in water or soggy soil; the roots will rot and die if that happens. Additionally, don’t let your Imperial Red Philodendron sit in standing water for long periods–this can cause root rot as well!
Step 3 – Place in Bright, Indirect Light.
When growing your Imperial Red philodendron indoors, ensure it has plenty of light. Placing your plant in bright indirect sunlight is the best way to do this. This means the leaves should be shaded from direct sunlight and kept out of any harsh rays that could burn or damage them.
In addition to being placed near a window with filtered light, we recommend using an artificial grow light and natural sunlight whenever possible–especially during winter when there isn’t much natural light available outside.
Step 4 – Feed Monthly with A Liquid Fertilizer Made for Indoor Plants.
Once you have your Imperial Red Philodendron plant, it’s time to start caring for it. The first step is to feed them monthly with a liquid fertilizer for indoor plants. You can use a fertilizer that has a ratio of 10-10-10 or 20-20-20; these numbers represent the percentage of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). These nutrients are essential for healthy growth and should be included in any fertilizer you purchase.
It’s important not to overfeed your plant because it can cause damage or even death if too much food is given at once. If you notice any discoloration on your Imperial Red Philodendron leaves, then this may mean too much fertilizer was added during the watering time!

There you have it, all the basic steps for growing imperial red philodendron plant indoors. This is a beautiful species with bright red leaves and white spots on them. It’s easy to care for and adds greatly to any home or office.