If you are a fan of mysterious-looking and exotic plants, Moses in the Cradle, also known as boat lily is definitely worth considering. This plant is famous for its heart-stealing qualities, as it leaves you mesmerized. It is native to Central America and is relatively low maintenance. Whether you grow it indoors or outdoors, you can rest assured that it will grow beautifully.
If you already own this wonderful plant, why not propagate it to make more plants for free? This blog covers a guide on propagating Moses in the Cradle. So, keep reading!
Guide on Propagating Moses in the Cradle
One of the biggest perks of propagating plants is to gift your plant’s extension to your loved ones. So, instead of searching for this plant at the local nursery or marketplace, you can easily propagate them using stem cuttings or by division.
The ideal time to propagate this plant is spring when they grow the fastest. These plants respond best to propagation at this time of the year. Now let’s dive in and see how you can propagate this plant using stems cuttings and divisions:
Propagation Using Stem Cuttings
Start by taking a pair of sharp and disinfected scissors and cutting a four to six-inch stem from your Moses in a cradle. We recommend taking a healthy stem cutting from below the lead node. Ensure the cuttings are between four to six inches long. Ensure there are no leaves on the bottom 1/3rd half of the cutting.
A rooting hormone containing a fungicide should be applied to the cuttings to promote growth to achieve the best results. Next, plant the cutting in a four-inch pot filled with loose and moist potting mix. The soil should not be soggy or waterlogged. Cover the pot with transparent plastic to boost humidity and maintain the soil’s moisture.
Ensure the soil is still moist by checking it every few days. After a few weeks, tug on the freshly planted cuttings to see if there is resistance. If there is, it is an indication the roots have grown. You can then remove the plastic and rest assured the propagation was successful. You can expect healthy root development if you place the containers in a bright, warm place and provide sufficient water.

Propagation Using Divisions
To propagate the Moses in the Cradle from divisions, remove the plant and separate its root ball into parts. Before planting the root ball sections in little pots, ensure the bottom of the pot has drainage holes. The containers should be a few inches bigger than the separated root balls. You can use the same soil composition as the original plant.

Re-Potting a Moses in the Cradle
Every year or two, a Moses plant outgrows its container. Therefore it needs to be re-potted. Changing the plant’s container also encourages healthy development. Moreover, re-potting helps prevent the plant from developing root rot and stunted development.
When deciding on the right pot size, choose the next big size and ensure there are holes to allow drainage. If the container is too big, the soil will quickly get wet and soggy, and root rot problems will arise. Re-potting a Moses in a cradle annually also enables you to examine for indications of root rot.
Here is what you need to do to transplant your Moses plant into a new pot:
Moses plant should be gently removed from its container.
- If required, rinse the roots under water after shaking off any extra dirt. Trim off any decaying or rotting roots after untangling them. Remember, healthy roots are white and not mushy.
- Place the plant in its new container after filling it with fresh, sterile potting soil ensuring it is about halfway full.
- Pour the rest of the soil into the remaining space.
- Place your plant in a bright area after providing it with adequate water.
- Use the same container if you are merely re-potting to replace the potting soil and want your plant to stay manageable. Sterilize the pot once the plant and dirt have been removed. Trim roughly a third of the roots, then re-pot the plant in fresh potting soil.

Final Word
Follow the guide in this blog post to successfully propagate your Moses in the Cradle from divisions or cuttings!