Dracaenas are among my favorite houseplants. They can be small enough to sit on a table or 7ft. trees large enough to take the place of a piece of furniture. Even the least experienced plant enthusiast can successfully grow dracaena plants. Dracaenas thrive on neglect, grow well in low light, and need very little water. They are also excellent plants for cleaning the air, removing such harmful toxins as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.
Dracaena Janet Craig: A dracaena janet craig has sword- shaped, leathery, dark green, shiny leaves that are about 3” wide and 2ft. in length. This plant can be used as a table plant, bushy floor plant, or as a beautiful tall tree.
Light: Survives in low light, but grows and looks better in medium light
Water: Avoid over watering. Allow the top 50% of the soil to dry out, then water well until the excess water comes out the drip holes in the bottom of the pot.
Fertilizer: Dracaenas only need plant food a couple of times a year. Feed a few times in the spring and a few times in the summer, never in the winter.
Read more about Dracaena Janet Craig houseplants and how to care for them at:

Dracaena Massangeana (Corn Plant Dracaena): The corn plant dracaena is especially popular because of its long, graceful, green leaves that have a pale yellow and light green stripe running down the center. When small dracaena corn plants can sit on a table, but their claim to fame is as a stately cane plant growing up to 10-12 feet tall.
Read more about a dracaena massangeana and how to care for it at:

Dracaena Massangeana
Dracaena Lemon Lime: A dracaena lemon lime has 12”-24” long, sword-shaped leaves with bright green and yellow stripes. Like other dracaenas, the leaves of a dracaena lemon lime are arranged in a rosette and grow off a very thick stem. Read more about dracaena lemon lime houseplants and how to care for them at:

Dracaena Compacta is a really close relative of the dracaena janet craig, but quite different in appearance. The dracaena compacta plant has a thick green stem and several clumps of short, dark green leaves, 2″-4″ in length. It’s a beautiful addition to homes or offices, but it is a bit more difficult to grow and a bit more expensive than other dracaenas. Read more about a dracaena compacta and how to care for them at:

Dracaena Reflexa: All varieties of a dracaena reflexa have short, narrow, pointed leaves that are spirally arranged on the stem and tufted at the ends of branches. The regular dracaena reflexa, or pleomele, has dark green leaves. The dracaena reflexa, Song of India, has yellow stripes on the leaves, while the dracaena reflexa, Song of Jamaica, has off -white stripes on the leaves. You learn how to grow and care for a dracaena reflex at:

Dracaena marginatas can be used as a table plant, but they are really impressive as tall trees with multiple canes and hundreds of long, thin, green leaves trimmed in dark red. The canes are often thick, twisted, and woody, making them a desirable and expensive “specimen” plant. Read more about growing and caring for a dracaena marinate at:
Dracaena Warnekii
Dracaena Warnekii (Stripped Dracaena) has long, pointed, narrow green and white striped leaves and can be used as a table plant, bushy floor plant, or tall cane plant for home and office. A dracaena warnekii is one of the few colorful indoor plants that can survive in low light if you are careful with your water. Learn more about growing and caring for a dracaena warneki at: