Pothos plants are popular houseplants and can be found in many homes. They are easy to care for and add color, texture and personality to a space. Pothos plants can be grown outdoors in mild climates, but they’re typically kept as indoor houseplants because they’re so hardy and easy to keep alive.
The vines of the pothos plant can grow quite large and become tangled easily, which makes them beautiful but also potentially dangerous if they fall onto someone or something below them in your home.
There have been some reports that suggest pothos plants might be toxic to dogs and cats who eat their leaves or chew on their stems; however, this hasn’t been proven conclusively by medical studies (yet).
Keep Your Pets Away from the Pothos Plant
While pothos is not fatal to pets, it is toxic. If your cat or dog eats this plant, it may experience vomiting, excessive drooling and difficulty swallowing. You should consult a veterinarian if you think your pet has ingested pothos.
While it’s best to keep these plants away from pets altogether, you can also try placing them in an area where they are out of reach (such as on a high shelf).
Pothos Plants Release Calcium Oxalate Crystals When Chewed On
Pothos plants release calcium oxalate crystals when chewed on.
These crystals can cause your pet’s mouth and throat to burn, which is a common symptom of ingestion. Ingestion of the plant can lead to vomiting, excessive drooling and difficulty swallowing.
Eating the Leaves Can Cause the Mouth and Throat to Burn
Eating the pothos plant can cause a number of problems, including:
- It can cause the mouth and throat to burn.
- Eating pothos leaves can lead to vomiting, excessive drooling, difficulty swallowing, and even hospital treatment in severe cases.
- Most dogs will be okay after ingesting a small amount of pothos because it’s not fatal for them (unless you have an extremely sensitive dog that has ingested a large amount).
Ingestion of the Plant Can Lead To Vomiting, Excessive Drooling and Difficulty Swallowing
If your pet ingests a Pothos plant, they can experience vomiting, excessive drooling and difficulty swallowing. In addition to these symptoms, ingestion of the plant can also lead to mouth and throat burning as well as excessive drooling.
Severe Ingestions Can Require Hospital Care for Pets
This is not true. Pothos is not toxic, and in most cases, it isn’t even harmful to our pets.
However, severe ingestions of pothos can cause problems for your pet. If your cat or dog eats a large amount of pothos, they can become nauseous and experience vomiting as well as dehydration if they don’t want to eat or drink anything else. If these symptoms aren’t taken care of by you taking your pet to the vet immediately (and following up with them afterward), then they could lead to organ failure or death.
In Most Cases, Pothos Is Not Fatal to Pets
It is important to note that pothos plants are not usually fatal to pets in most cases. In fact, they have been used as an herbal remedy for a variety of ailments by humans for centuries. However, if you suspect your pet has ingested pothos, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Pothos plants may cause mild stomach upset in some individuals and irritate sensitive skin, but it is not typically considered toxic to humans or animals unless consumed in large quantities over time (the same goes for cats). The plant does contain calcium oxalate crystals that can irritate the mouth and throat if ingested; however, these crystals are primarily found on the leaves rather than within them which could pose less risk of harm than other toxic plants with more concentrated concentrations of toxins within their tissues such as azaleas or philodendrons
Practice Safety
If you have pothos plants in your house, it’s important to keep them out of reach and away from all pets. If a cat or dog chews on this plant, they could get sick with gastrointestinal upset and vomiting. However, the symptoms are usually mild and don’t last long. In fact, most cats and dogs recover completely within 24 hours without any treatment needed at all!
One way to keep your pet safe is by keeping the pothos plant out of reach of all animals that live in your home—both four-legged friends as well as two-legged ones who like to take baths with their kitty friends (sorry if we ruined your day). This means keeping the plant on high shelves where cooking utensils are kept so that curious kids won’t pull it down whenever they’re looking for things like spatulas or graters. You may also want to consider placing these plants somewhere near windows where there is less risk for water damage or exposure to sunlight which can cause yellowing leaves over time if left unchecked.
Tips to Look After a Pothos Plant
Pothos is a tropical plant that is commonly found in homes and offices. It can grow anywhere between 6 inches to 20 feet tall, depending on the variety. It has heart-shaped leaves that are light green or dark green with white or yellow variations.
To keep your pothos plant healthy and happy, you should make sure that it’s getting the right amount of light. It’s best to keep this plant in a well-lit area, but not near any heat sources or water. You should also be careful not to overwater your pothos.
This can lead to root rot, which may cause permanent damage and even kill the plant! Finally, try not to let your cat or dog chew on it—even though they’re unlikely to eat any leaves whole (and if they did, wouldn’t be affected), there are still some chemicals in this type of plant that could irritate their mouths or stomachs if ingested.
So, if you’re keeping a pothos plant in your home, be sure to keep it away from any heat sources or water. If you have a cat or dog, try not to let them chew on it!
Benefits of a Pothos Plant in Your Home
Pothos plants are great for the environment and have many health benefits. They’re easy to care for, low-maintenance, and can help purify the air in your home. Pothos plants also make a great addition to any houseplant collection as they are often recommended for people who have allergies or asthma. The flowers that grow on pothos plants look beautiful and add some color to your living space.
Other Plants that are Toxic for Your Cats and Dogs
Pets are like family members to us, and we want to make sure that they are safe, healthy and happy. Besides Pothos, keep an eye out for these toxic plants around your house or garden so that your pets won’t be at risk of getting sick or even dying if they do eat them.
Aloe Vera
If you have an aloe vera plant, keep it away from your pets. Aloe vera is a succulent with thick leaves and white flowers that grow in clusters. While it’s not recommended to use aloe on your skin, it can be applied topically to help heal burns and cuts if you apply it carefully without getting any of the juice in your eyes or mouth. However, when ingested by cats or dogs, aloe can cause vomiting, diarrhea and even death. If you have an aloe vera plant in your home, keep it out of reach of pets at all times!
Asparagus Fern
Asparagus fern is a common indoor plant that can be toxic to cats and dogs. The plant contains calcium oxalates, which are found in many plants and can cause irritation to the mouth, tongue, and throat if ingested. In more severe cases of ingestion, vomiting may occur as well as diarrhea. Kidney failure has also been reported in dogs after ingesting this plant. Gastrointestinal symptoms can be seen within 30 minutes of ingestion but are usually not severe enough to require hospitalization unless there are additional complications (such as vomiting blood or blood in the stool).
Azaleas are toxic to both cats and dogs, but they can cause serious health problems if ingested. Azaleas contain the toxin rhododendron, which is poisonous to both humans and animals. If you see your dog or cat eating or playing in azalea bushes (or any other part of an azalea plant), call your vet immediately for a treatment plan.
If you have these bushes in your yard, be aware that they pose a risk to pets who explore outside. You can protect them by keeping all plants up high away from jumping dogs and curious cats.
Begonia is a family of flowering plants. The toxicity of begonia depends on the species. Some types can be toxic to cats and dogs, but others are not.
It’s important for you to know that begonias are not toxic to humans, birds or other animals (besides cats and dogs).
Belladonna Lily
The belladonna lily is a poisonous plant that can cause vomiting, dilated pupils and difficulty breathing in both cats and dogs. Ingestion of this plant can also lead to drooling, loss of coordination and seizures.
If you suspect your pet has eaten any parts of the belladonna lily, contact your veterinarian immediately. If you are able to find the plant with no evidence that your pet has eaten any parts then call them anyway so they can recommend treatment options.
Bird of Paradise
If your cat or dog eats the leaves of this plant, it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. If you have a bird of paradise plant in your home, be sure to keep it out of reach of pets.
If you suspect that your pet has ingested part of a bird of paradise plant, contact your vet immediately.
Bittersweet is a common name for several plants that are poisonous to pets. Bittersweet is a perennial vine that can grow to be up to 20 feet long, with glossy, heart-shaped leaves and clusters of white flowers in the spring. The fruit is a small red berry that contains an alkaloid toxin called emodin. Emodin causes vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain in pets who ingest it.
Caladiums look like giant leaves with veins that are mostly green and purple, but can also be white or yellow. Often compared to the colors of a peacock’s feathers, caladiums are an uncommon houseplant that make for an excellent conversation starter.
Because of the size and unusual appearance of these plants, dogs often find them irresistible to eat. However, if your dog is chewing on any part of your caladium plant, it may cause him some gastrointestinal distress as well as diarrhea or vomiting.
Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do at home without knowing exactly what part of the plant he ingested; so, if you see signs that your dog has eaten part of his new friend (vomiting, diarrhea) take him to see a veterinarian immediately!
Daffodils are toxic to cats and dogs. They contain lycorine, which is poisonous to animals. If your cat or dog eats daffodils, they may experience symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Cats are more susceptible than dogs to eating daffodils because they have a smaller stomach capacity compared to a dog’s stomach capacity. Humans can also be affected by ingesting the bulb of a daffodil plant; however, it won’t cause serious illness in humans as it does in animals (unless you’re allergic).
Dieffenbachia (Dumb Cane)
Dieffenbachia is a plant that is commonly kept as a houseplant. It’s also toxic to cats and dogs, so you should make sure your pet doesn’t eat it. If your cat or dog does eat Dieffenbachia, he or she might vomit or have diarrhea. This can lead to dehydration, so if this happens you should call a vet for help.
Keeping pothos plants in your home can be a great way to add some greenery and color to your space. They’re also great for air purification, so if you find that your house is too dry or smells musty, consider adding one of these plants as well! However, it’s important that you keep them away from pets because they may cause harm if ingested. If you have any questions about whether or not this plant is safe for your pet at home, please consult with an animal health care professional immediately.