Marble Queen, or in scientific terms, Epipremnum aureum, is a low-maintenance houseplant for people who love long climbing greenery around their balcony or anywhere around the house.
Its variegated marble-textured vines are drought resistant and not overly picky about the sunlight or soil. With exquisitely patterned foliage and creepers that may run over and along any structure, the Marble Queen species will be a treat to your eyes.
As with other popular pothos kinds, the marble queen plants thrive with minimal sunlight and are adaptable to various growth environments, making them an ideal choice for new gardeners.
Here is everything you need to know about planting and looking after your Marble Green Pothos.
Some Facts About Marble Green Pothos
Compared to its recent and exotic Pothos species, such as Pearls n Jade, Marble Queen is more resilient, simple to cultivate, and generally accessible.
Pothos plants are well-known and have several names around the globe. In some regions, they are called the “Devil’s Ivy” for their propensity for quick spreading. They have even been labeled invasive in certain regions because of their aggressive and speedy proliferation. To restrict their rapid growth, it is advised to put them in containers and isolate them from native plants.
They are additionally regarded as money plants in Chinese culture. These houseplants are thought to bestow good fortune and prosperity on their owners when planted in the appropriate areas of their homes.
Where Did They Come From?
French Polynesia, notably the island of Moorea, is where Epipremnum aureum first originated. Still, it has since spread towards other subtropical and tropical areas, particularly West Indies, South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, Australia, and Northern South Africa.
But because of their rapid proliferation, Epipremnum aureum has wholly taken over Sri Lankan woods and is now posing a danger to South Africa and Hawaii.
Epipremnum aureum is fortunately manageable when planted in the house. Still, it’s best to dispose of your pothos cuttings carefully. If the conditions are met, pothos will grow where you have disposed of the twigs.
Marble Queen is a perennial aroid vine that develops in a creeping style, similar to other parent plant variants. While climbing toward the sunlight, it embeds root systems in the earth and leverages trees for support.
The Marble Queen variety features gorgeous impressionist-style brighter green foliage with subtle ivory markings that are heavily patterned.
Pothos is a tiny houseplant with slender heart-shaped foliage, usually around 10-foot-long vining branches. Interestingly, pothos thrives well in their natural habitat, becoming heavy and bulky with enormous foliage and perhaps 20-foot-long vines!
Although it’s uncommon to see pothos blooming indoors, it can occasionally produce delicate, somewhat lackluster blooms resembling any other Aricacea family flowers.
How to Look After Your Marble Green Pothos Plant
These pothos species with a lot of variegation are adaptable, tolerant, and simple to cultivate. They don’t need foliar feeding or routine trimming to survive and may thrive well in almost any area of your house. In actuality, marble queen pothos like to be moderately root-bound and shouldn’t require repotting more frequently than every two years.
Although marble queen pothos can bloom, it is uncommon to observe them doing so inside the house, and the blooms are generally inconsequential compared to the plant’s gorgeous leaves. But if you’re fortunate to spot any, it’s a positive indication that the pothos is flourishing with your love and care.
Light Exposure
Marble queens are pretty resilient and can endure most types of lighting. But if you want them to thrive, it’s better to emulate the strong light source it receives in their natural environment, which implies if inside, close to your brightest place. And if outside, on a balcony in the covered area, or just under the shadow of a tree.
Its gorgeous, variegated leaves might be scorched by full sun. Generally speaking, a little early sun is good; however, if you relocate your pot and are unsure of the light condition, keep an eye.
Because of their low-light endurance, marble queens are excellent for use in bedrooms and offices. Remember that the lesser the light sources, the less light exposure, and the fewer ivory streaks there will be! To make up for this, it will increase the volume of greens in its foliage so they can absorb greater light. The green color indicates more chlorophyll, essential for plants to thrive.
However, if your marble green is too green for you, you can consider relocating it to the sunlight for some time.
Soil Type
Typically, marble queen pothos may thrive in a wide range of soil types if it’s loamy and drains well. Marble queens are often cultivated in greenhouses and stores with indoor plants; you can find the best soil there. But you can also create your homemade soil by mixing one portion of potting earth, one portion of perlite, with one portion of orchid’s wood to create the well-aerated soil mix in which your queens will flourish.
Water Requirement
The only challenging aspect of caring for marble queen pothos is irrigation. They are known as tropical plants, but they thrive well without frequent irrigation.
Water them only if the soil has dried up from the top, and occasionally allow them to dehydrate thoroughly. When watering the queen, let any extra water run out of the container via the holes for drainage. Over-watering may result in yellow, drooping foliage and damage to roots.
Brown leaves, on the other hand, are an indication of under-watering. The plant doesn’t grow actively during winters, so it is best to water them as minimally as possible. Think about watering the plant till springtime while keeping an eye on its health.
Humidity and Temperature
Due to its propensity for thriving at average household temperatures and moisture levels, marble queen is an excellent houseplant. Avoid subjecting them to conditions lower than 55°F because queens are not tolerant to cold.
Although not necessary, offering some additional moisture will aid in promoting the marble queen’s health and vigorous development. They thrive in moist environments like bathrooms and kitchens, but you can also add a diffuser or set the plants on a gravel platter to give them additional moisture.
For marble queens, fertilization is not necessary but can be an alternative. They should have access to the minerals they need to flourish if potted in loamy garden soil. Therefore, it is always a good idea to fertilize them often while developing to promote healthy development. When it’s spring and early summer, you may feed the marble queen monthly using a well-balanced nutrient solution.

Planting Marble Queen Pothos
If you buy a Marble Queen for the first time, you can leave it as it is for a couple of months in the pot it came in. Repotting can solve the problem if the plant seems bound at the roots or you wish to use a different container.
Planting is easy if you have a clipping from a source. Use well-aerated soil to fill a standard-size container to begin. A container made of terra cotta works best to highlight the green foliage, although repurposed plastic, cloth, or perhaps ceramic pots can be used.
Make the container features sufficient good drainage regardless of the material you select. Because of its vulnerability to root damage, marble queens should not be left with standing water. Keep the plants out of platters and pot coverings as well. Stagnant water can draw germs, leaving the roots submerged, which can cause decay.
Take the chosen container and load it with a prepared potting medium for houseplants. You may also create your own, as we have mentioned already. Before you plant, let the soil soak in water and allow the excess to drain first.
To dig the clipping, drill a hole through the center with your fingertip, then push down on the earth, all surrounding it to hold it together firmly. If you have sufficient clippings, it is ideal to group them in one container to produce a healthier plant. You should wait until the incision is big enough to generate other plants to cover the container.
This cultivar shouldn’t be grown outside in the backyard. It must be contained in a pot to prevent it from spreading.
Spreading Marble Queen Pothos
Easy branch-cutting propagation of marble queen is a terrific approach to promote healthier development on your present plant or produce additional plantings to give to friends. Here’s how to multiply your marble queen pothos:
- Cut meristem from the vine with a minimum of four to five branches apiece.
- Every incision should have its lowest one to three leaves removed to reveal the veins, retaining the upper two leaves intact.
- Put your clippings in a mason jar containing water, ensuring the roots are immersed and the upper leaflets remain above water level.
- The container should be placed in an area with moderate to strong ambient lighting, and the water should be changed weekly, keeping it refreshed. Once the clippings have been submerged in water for two to three weeks, you’ll notice roots developing.
- The clippings can be potted in soil when roots have grown to a minimum length of 1 inch. By now, you may either make new plants or replant the existing ones with them. These cuttings should be placed in soil that has been previously wet and carefully patted down.
- Replant the clippings in a location with moderate to intense lighting, and during the initial weeks of planting, maintain the dampness of the soil to let the clippings adapt to it once more.
Common Diseases and Pest Problems
The typical potted plant bugs, fungus gnats, scale, mealybugs, spider mites, and root decay are among the parasitic diseases to which marble queens are vulnerable.
The easiest approach to avoid overflowing invasions is to monitor your pots for insect warnings constantly. To minimize root decay, stay away from waterlogging your pot and ensure your planting containers have enough aeration and drainage.
Here is what you can do to deal with the common pests:
Mealy bugs
Your Houseplants likely have mealy bugs when you observe furry, elliptical insects seated on the foliage. You can protect your plants by spraying them on with neem oil or horticulture pesticide.
Spider mites
Inspect the areas where the leaflet joins the stem and below the wings for tiny webs. Webs indicate the presence of spider mites. You can get rid of the web by gently wiping it away with a damp cloth. There may be spider mites if you notice reddish-brown marks on the cloth.
Fungus gnats
To keep those bothersome tiny fungal insects out of your house, let the topsoil dry entirely until you water it again. These are, to put it politely, obnoxious! Or, for once, let the soil dry out completely; it will not affect the plant but will help you eliminate the fungus.

What Are the Common Problems With Marble Queen Species?
Marble queens are often trouble-free houseplants that require minimal maintenance. But problems might develop if you irrigate your plant properly and give just enough sunlight exposure. The browning and yellowing of the foliage are two frequent issues with marble queen species.
Yellowing Leaves
When marble queens are watered more frequently than usual or are exposed to excessively bright sunlight, or just haven’t been given enough sunshine, you may notice that the leaves are gradually turning yellow. It might be challenging to spot it immediately, but consider the plant care you’re offering them and identify the most probable explanation for the problems.
Browning Leaves
Browning leaves are often a sign of inadequate moisture or colder temperatures. Make sure to hydrate your queens frequently, and avoid positioning them in arid areas close to a draughty doorway or a heated outlet.