Is Snake Plant Safe for Cats

As a cat owner, it’s important to know what plants are safe for your feline friends and which ones aren’t. It’s not just about keeping them away from poisonous plants; some non-toxic flowers or greenery can be harmful if ingested. However, there’s one plant that might have slipped by many of us: the snake plant. Read on as we discuss whether or not this popular “greenery” is safe for cats…

Is Snake Plant Safe for Cats?

The snake plant is a poisonous plant to cats. It’s called the mother-in-law’s tongue and contains a toxin called nephrotoxin oxalate. If your cat ingests this plant, it may experience vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and lethargy. If left untreated, the cat could die from kidney failure caused by the toxins in this plant!

So why would you want to keep this dangerous plant around your home? Because it does have some very useful applications for pet owners:

  • It helps remove formaldehyde from the air (which is why people sensitive to chemicals should avoid having them in their homes). This also means that if you can get rid of harmful chemicals from your home with one or two snake plants, then it would be worth keeping them around just for that reason alone!
  • Snake plants can also help provide oxygen when there isn’t enough airflow through vents or windows due to weather conditions outside (e.g., cold winter nights where we don’t open our windows as often because they’re too cold).

What Happens If My Cat Ingests a Snake Plant?

The snake plant contains saponins, which are toxic to cats. If a cat eats the snake plant leaves, it may experience stomach irritation and vomiting. Saponins can also cause your cat to have diarrhea, breathing problems, and lethargy.

If you think your cat has eaten snake plant leaves or if you notice symptoms of poisoning (stomach pain and vomiting), get in touch with your veterinarian immediately. Some effects of cats ingesting snake plants are explained below:


If your cat ingests a snake plant, vomiting may be the first sign of poisoning. Vomiting can cause dehydration and lead to other problems if not treated quickly. If you notice signs of vomiting (e.g., loose stools, dehydration), contact your vet immediately for guidance on what types of treatment options there are for cats who have ingested poisonous substances like snake plants.


Diarrhea is a common symptom of snake plant poisoning. This may be because it contains saponins, which are known to cause diarrhea in cats. If your cat has ingested this plant, you should monitor them for signs of excessive vomiting and/or diarrhea. If it continues for more than 24 hours, or if the cat also experiences lethargy or weakness, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.


Drooling is a sign of mouth irritation, which can be attributed to ingesting a toxic substance. If your cat is drooling or making unusual sounds when it eats, take it to the vet immediately.

If you see that your cat has ingested part of a snake plant, take it away from your pet for its own safety. You should also keep all plants in high traffic areas out of reach—this will help ensure that your kitty cannot accidentally eat them and poison itself!

Abdominal Discomfort or Pain

Abdominal discomfort or pain is one of the most common side effects of ingesting a snake plant. The severity of this symptom depends on how much poison your cat has ingested. If you’ve noticed that your cat has eaten a large portion of the plant’s leaves, you may want to contact your vet immediately because it could be an emergency.

Not all cases of abdominal pain are serious, but it’s important to do what you can to ensure no harm for your pet. Abdominal pain caused by snake plants can be mild or severe and may affect any part of the abdomen, back or chest area, including closely related joints in the spine (lumbar region). Depending on which organs have been affected by snake plant poisoning, it could result in fever symptoms such as chills, shivering/trembling muscles along with fatigue due being unable to exercise normally.

If your cat has ingested a lot of plants and has become ill, you should take it to the vet immediately.


Anyone who has ever owned a cat knows that they are quite the emotional creatures. If you’ve ever seen your cat curled up in your lap, purring away, you have probably felt pretty special. Or if you’ve been the lucky (or unlucky) recipient of a cat bite or scratch, then you know why cats are known to be “animal versions of humans.”

Cats can suffer from several types of depression, including

  • Behavioral changes (e.g., becoming more withdrawn than usual)
  • Loss of appetite or thirst
  • Lack of interest in grooming oneself
  • Less desire to play with toys or other animals

How To Stop Cats from Eating Snake Plants

If you want to stop your cat from eating your snake plant, there are a few things you can do. First, try putting it somewhere where your cat can’t reach it. You could also place the snake plant on top of a shelf or table so your kitty won’t be tempted by its aroma and leaves (pest control experts recommend this approach).

Another option is using deterrents: Sprinkle cayenne pepper around the base of the plant or spray something like Bitter Apple around it to discourage cats from getting close enough to nibble on its leaves. You could also try placing an ultrasonic device near your snake plant—cats don’t like vibrations in their ears because they’re sensitive animals with excellent hearing abilities!

Finally, feeding them low-sodium food is another way to keep cats away from your snake plants. This will help prevent them from feeling thirsty all day long; thirstiness often causes cats’ instincts to eat plants before anything else.


We hope the information above have helped you understand the dangers of snake plants for cats. The best way to keep your pet safe is to ensure they are not exposed to this plant. If you have one in your home, keep it out of reach, and remember not only will it harm your cat but also other animals as well.