The Wandering Jew plant, also known as Tradescantia palladia, is one of the most popular houseplants because it is easy to take care of indoors. It is loved for its bright, fractal-spotted leaves and tiny flowers that are a gorgeous shade of pink and purple.
The plant grows beautifully and leaves a trail of tendrils if you’ve kept it on the edge of a bookcase or in a basket. The Wandering Jew plant species has three types: Tradescantia pallida, Tradescantia zebrina, and Tradescantia flumenisis.
This article will discuss the most common Wandering Jew plant problems.
Everyday Wandering Jew Plant Problems
The best way to keep a Wandering Jew is indoors. The plant enjoys bright light but doesn’t have to be direct and can survive on less water without giving you too much trouble. It will bloom and provide colorful leaves with even the most basic care. When outdoors, the Wandering Jew plant must be kept under direct sunlight or planted safely in USDA zone 9. Here the plant will enjoy a warmer temperature and high humidity levels.
While the Wandering Jew is one of the most easy-going plants, and they are easy to grow, they don’t work well under certain temperatures. They have a negative reaction to dark and cold climates. It affects the plant severely, and it might lose leaves and tendrils so much that you will feel like the plant will not make it.
Most of the time, you will see that the plant has developed brown spots or is losing color in its leaves. Leaves turning brown is one of the individuals’ most frequent problems with the plant. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of watering. For that, you need to ensure that you water the soil directly rather than just spraying the leaves of the plant. It is a common problem for indoor plants as they get drier inside in the colder months.
Sometimes spots are caused due to various fungal diseases or pests, so you must examine the plant carefully and get to the root cause. On the other hand, overwatering can be one of the most common reasons. It will cause root or stem rot, as too much moisture can kill the leaves. You should look out for soggy, yellow, and soft leaves.
If your Wandering Jew is losing its color and you feel like it’s fading by the day, it could be due to a lack of light. It indicates that the plant isn’t getting enough sunlight and is kept in the wrong place. It will cause the leaves to fade, and they will stop flowering. You can try relocating the plant to an area with more sunlight exposure and see the difference. Similarly, try not to give your plants too much sunlight. Direct sunlight can burn your leaves and turn them brown.
While there are a few Wandering Jew problems, specific solutions will help you bring your plant back to life. These include:
If your Wandering Jew grows outwards or upwards, you only need to prune one-fourth of the plant. It will help reshape the plant and encourage plant growth. Cutting off the brown branches will give the plant more volume. The ideal time to prune them is right before spring.

If you feel like the plant is getting bigger, it is best to replot it to avoid any problems. It will help get fresh soil to the plant and give it room to grow.

The first few weeks are crucial for the plant, requiring maximum water. If it is not pruning season, water the plant until it grows properly.

Using Cuttings
If you want to grow the plant, you can do so with the cuttings. The best part about this plant is that it grows successfully from stem cuttings. Give it water until the roots grow, then place it in a pot until the leaves come out.

Final Verdict
Now that you know of the common Wandering Jew plant problems and the solutions to counter them, you can take better care of your precious indoor plants and allow them to grow and bloom successfully.