How do I take cuttings from my Jasmine that’s outside so I can propagate it??
Hi Lesa,
How to Propagate a Jasmine Plant
The best way to propagate a jasmine plant is by using stem cuttings in the spring. Use a sharp, clean scissors or razor blade to cut a 4”-6” piece from the end of a healthy stem just below a leaf node. A node is where a leaf joins the stem. Remove leaves from the bottom 1/3 of the stem. Dip the cut end of the stem into a small amount of Rooting Hormone that contains a Fungicide. Plant the stem in a 4″pot (drip holes in the bottom) of moist potting soil. Cover the pot with clear plastic to increase the humidity and prevent the soil from drying out. Check the plant every few days to be sure the soil stays moist. Tug on the stem cuttings after a few weeks, if there is resistance, roots have developed, the plastic can be removed, and the propagation was successful. You can then use the new plant as a houseplant or plant in outside in your garden.

Quick Care Tips for a Jasmine Plant
A jasmine plant should get bright, indirect light throughout the year. During the winter, when the light is weaker, it grows best when it gets a few hours of morning sun. Avoid putting a jasmine plant in the direct sun during the summer, or the leaves may burn.
Both too much and too little water can cause a jasmine plant to lose leaves. During the spring and summer, keep the soil barely moist at all times but never soggy. Too much water causes root rot and the plant dies.
Fertilize a jasmine plant every 2-4 weeks from March-August using a fertilizer high in phosphorous and low in nitrogen.
If you want a jasmine plant to flower indoors keep it in a cool, bright room where the temperature is 65°-70°F (18.3°-21.1°C).
You can read all my care tips for a jasmine plant in the Popular Houseplant section of the website