How do I propagate my Arrowhead plant?
Hi Maureen,
You can propagate an Arrowhead plant, also called a Syngonium, using stem cuttings or by plant division. If you are going to divide the plant, don’t use a scissors to cut the rootball of the plant in half. Use your hands to gently pull the root ball apart into two sections. The new containers should only be 2” larger than the root ball of the new plants. Be careful not to over water now that the plant is 1/2 the size it was before.
Propagation by Stem Cuttings: Use a sharp, clean scissors or razor blade to cut a 4”-6” piece from the end of a healthy stem just below a leaf node. A node is where a leaf joins the stem. Remove leaves from the bottom 1/3 of the stem. Dip the cut end of the stem into a small amount of Rooting Hormone that contains a Fungicide. Plant several stem cuttings in a 4″pot (drip holes in the bottom) of moist potting soil. Cover the pot with clear plastic to increase the humidity and prevent the soil from drying out. Check the plant every few days to be sure the soil stays moist. Tug on the stem cuttings after a few weeks, if there is resistance, roots have developed, the plastic can be removed, and the propagation was successful.
An Arrowhead plant is a poisonous plant and should be kept way from small children and pets. Read more about common houseplants that can be dangerous in my book Don’t Feed Me to Your Cat: A Guide to Poisonous Houseplants

Arrowhead Plant