Water meters, also called soil moisture meters, measure how much water there is in the soil and hopefully prevents you from over or under-watering your houseplants. It’s important to remember that different plants require different amounts of water. The soil of any succulent plant should be very dry before you water, while the soil of a Majesty Palm should always be kept a little moist. The head or gauge of a water meter usually has a numerical scale from 1-10 with 1 being most dry. Some water meters may also have color indicators. To use the meter grasp the head & insert the long probe into the pot. It’s important that the probe reach almost to the bottom of the pot so the soil moisture around the roots can be measured. Remove the probe quickly and read the indicator. Water meters are unreliable when the soil has a high salt content. Too much plant food and using water that has passed through a softener leaves salt deposits in the soil. Moisture meters should be kept clean and dry when not in use.