The Pothos plant – the Epipremnum Aureum – is a very common houseplant worldwide. You may recognize the Pothos as one of its many other names. For example, the Pothos is also called the Golden Pothos, a money plant, or in some instances, the Devil’s ivy. While the Pothos is quite common in many places, it originates from South Eastern Asia and can sometimes be mistaken for the Philodendron.
The Pothos plant makes a great indoor plant for several reasons. Firstly, the Pothos is an evergreen plant, meaning that its thick, bright, and waxy leaves stay alive and fresh all throughout the year. The leaves are also distinctly beautiful and grow in a heart shape with bright green and yellow-green coloring splashes.
Besides its distinctive leaves, the Pothos also stands out because of its climbing vines. Due to the plant’s aerial roots, the Pothos can cling onto different plants, the walls, or any other external support and start to climb. So, if you’re keeping a Pothos in your house, you can expect it to grow to significant heights or to spread horizontally if it is kept on the floor.
And finally, a Pothos plant is also very easy to keep alive and healthy. Since the plant is evergreen, you don’t need to worry about it dying. The Pothos does best in bright indirect light but can survive with low light as well. And you only need to water the plant every one to two weeks.
However, not everything about the Pothos is easy. A very common problem that people come across with their Pothos plant is drooping. If you have noticed your Pothos plant looking a little droopy, then read ahead for a few possible causes for why it might be drooping and how to remedy the problem.
9 Reasons Why a Pothos Might Be Droopy and How to Revive It
Indoor plants, and the Pothos, in particular, are meant to make your home look bright, alive, and beautiful. So, it can be pretty disappointing to see your Pothos start to droop and look unhealthy. And, if left untreated, it can be even more disappointing to find that your Pothos is dying.
If you want to stop your Pothos from drooping, you have to first figure out the reason why it might be drooping in the first place. There are several reasons why a Pothos can start to droop, and we have outlined all of those reasons for you below. Depending on the reason, we have also outlined how you can remedy the problem and revive your Pothos plant.
The Pothos is not getting enough water
As mentioned before, a Pothos plant strives when it is watered once every one to two weeks, and the soil is allowed to dry in between watering. However, it may start to droop if you don’t water the Pothos enough. Without enough water, the plant leaves can look thin and brittle and might even lose their bright green and yellow coloring.
To check if your Pothos is drooping due to not getting enough water, gauge the soil’s moisture level. While the surface of the soil can be dry, the soil two to three inches below the surface should be moist. If it isn’t moist, that means you haven’t watered the Pothos enough.
How to fix this problem: The way to remedy this problem is by soaking your Pothos plant. To do this, fill up your sink or a large container with four to five inches of room-temperature water. Place your Pothos pot into the water and leave it there for about an hour. The Pothos will soak up as much water as it needs through the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot. After soaking the Pothos, you can go back to watering it once every one to two weeks, and the plant should stop drooping.
The environment is not humid enough
Since the Pothos originates from Asia, it is used in tropical climates. This means the Pothos thrives in humid areas. If your house is particularly dry or the weather has changed recently, that may be why your Pothos is drooping.
How to fix this problem: To help revive a Pothos that is suffering from an environment that is not humid enough, you have to take external measures to increase the humidity. There are several ways you can go about doing this. The easiest way is to keep your Pothos near your other houseplants, as this can increase humidity in that small area. You can also spray your Pothos plant with water a few times a week to keep the leaves and vines moist and humid. Rehoming your Pothos to the bathroom might also help since your hot showers can create a humid environment for the plant. And finally, you can invest in a humidifier for your house.
The Pothos is getting too much direct sunlight
The Pothos does best when it gets plenty of indirect sunlight. If it is left in direct sunlight, the soil can dry out, the humidity in the area can become reduced, and the leaves can start to burn and droop. You can even go so far as to say that your Pothos is suffering from a sunburn.
How to fix this problem: The simplest way to fix the problem of your Pothos getting too much exposure to direct sunlight is to move it to a new location. You can keep it in an area where it gets plenty of light but is never directly in the sunlight. Once it has adjusted to its new location, the Pothos should start to perk up again.
The weather is too cold
Again, the Pothos originates from Asia and is best suited to warmer and more humid areas. So, if the weather has started to get too cold, your Pothos might be susceptible to cold weather damage. This damage results in wilted, droopy, or discolored leaves. Cold weather damage usually occurs if the temperature falls below 50°F or if there is frost present on the plant.
How to fix this problem: To keep your Pothos warm and happy, adjust the temperature in your house to be between 65 to 80°F. Additionally, you can also change the location of your Pothos pot so that it is not near any windows and doors, and does not come into contact with cold drafts from outside or through any vents. If you have a fireplace going in the winter months, you can place your Pothos pot a few feet away from the fireplace.
The Pothos’ roots are constricted
Pothos plants can sometimes become root bound. This means that the plant’s roots have become overgrown and feel constricted in the pot. As such, the roots may not be able to sufficiently absorb water and nutrients from the soil, causing the leaves to droop and become discolored. When a Pothos is root bound, it also tries to conserve as much energy as possible so that the leaves become thin and dry over time. If not remedied soon, this problem can lead to the plant eventually dying due to unhappy roots.
How to fix this problem: The remedy for constricted roots is by repotting the Pothos plant into a bigger pot. To choose an appropriately sized pot, go for a pot two to three inches wider and taller than the current pot. This will allow the Pothos’ roots to spread out more comfortably and not become so bound together. While you’re at it, also ensure that your new pot has plenty of drainage holes and that you are using fresh new soil. After repotting, you should see a significant improvement in the appearance of your Pothos.
The Pothos is suffering due to the presence of pests.
If you keep your Pothos outside or near other plants, it may get infected with pests like spider mites or aphids. These pests are very common amongst different kinds of plants and can cause the Pothos to suffer, get stressed and weak, and start to droop. The most obvious sign that your Pothos is suffering due to pests is that, aside from drooping leaves, its stems and vines can turn brown. If left untreated, pests can quickly multiply and cause even more damage.
How to fix this problem: There are various ways to treat and remedy a pest problem. You can use different chemical products, such as insecticide soaps, and apply them to your Pothos plant according to the products’ instructions. You could even take an alternate natural route by using neem or horticulture oil. Not only do these treatments kill off pests, but they also prevent future infections.
The Pothos has been overwatered
Similarly to how a Pothos might suffer from being underwatered, overwatering can also cause it to droop and wilt. If you end up watering your plant more than once in one to two weeks, or if your planter pot does not have sufficient drainage, the water can cause the soil and roots to become oversaturated and moist. This can result in root rot over time as the roots won’t be able to get enough oxygen.
How to fix this problem: The best way to remedy the problem of an overwatered Pothos plant is to remove it from its pot and replace its soil. The old soil would be too saturated, and root rot could set in by the time the soil would naturally dry out. So, you can replace the soil by selecting a new potting mix that allows for proper drainage. You can also mix some perlite to the soil to create even more drainage and ensure that your pot has enough drainage holes at the base.
The Pothos is suffering from a fungal or bacterial infection
Another reason why your Pothos may start to look weak and droopy is if it is suffering from a bacterial or fungal infection. To check if this is the case, look at the plant’s stem and vines. If a bacterial or fungal infection has set in, the stems and vines will be discolored and soft or mushy.
How to fix this problem: A common way to treat a fungal or bacterial infection is by spraying your Pothos plant with a fungicide. You can buy a fungicide from any nursery or plant store and spray it according to its instructions. However, not everyone would want to use foul-smelling fungicides inside the home. In that case, you can use an apple cider vinegar and water mixture instead. Spray it onto the leaves and stems every few days until your Pothos plant starts to perk up again.
The Pothos is under stress from being repotted
And lastly, another reason your Pothos might start to droop and look wilted is if it is under stress from recently being repotted. Plants, like people, can get stressed when there are changes in their environment. After repotting the Pothos, you may notice some leaves drooping or turning discoloring as the plant adjusts to its new pot.
How to fix this problem: Luckily for you, this problem will likely be fixed in a few days’ time. Once your Pothos gets used to its new pot, it should start to naturally perk up, and the leaves should return to their normal coloring and thickness. If the problem doesn’t naturally resolve itself, then the Pothos is likely suffering from any of the other problems we have mentioned.
The Bottom Line
So, as you can see, the Pothos plant can end up drooping and withering for several reasons. However, you don’t need to worry because remedying the various problems is relatively quick and easy, and the Pothos is a hardy plant that will perk back up in just a few days. As long as you water your Pothos once every one to two weeks and keep it in indirect light, you should be good to go!